My name is Christian Phan if you haven’t got the message by now :). I graduated from University of California Irvine with a degree in Electrical Engineering and minor in Computer Science. Currently working as a systems design engineer.

Mechanical Keyobard

Even though I work as an Electrical Engineer, I never actually planned to major in Electrical Engineering it just happend by chance funny enough. Growing up I was always interested in computers, software, and how they work together. I spent a lot of my free time messing around with my computers, installing random linux distros and learning programming (very badly) for fun. Even though I was I had a background in computers, I never actually considered doing something related to it for a career. When I graduated college I had plans to enter college as a physics/math major. But after a little exploring I realised that I would major in computer science since it seemed like it had more career options rather than pure physics/math. I applied to the school of engineering at UCI to get into the computer science and engineering major. After I took my first circuits class and digital electronics class I became interested in the deeper levels on how a computer work. How the hardware itself was controlling the software I was using. I liked it so much I decided to double major in EE and CS. Soon enough I liked EE way more than CS I just dropped the CS major to focus more on EE courses and here I am now.

FPGA Filter

I love the playing starcraft, well used to. I don’t really have that much time to play as I like anymore but I enjoy watching it online. Also trying to learn how to become a great photogrpaher. Bought a camera recently and started at photography instagram page (christanphan.c follow me).

FPGA Oscilloscope

I love the playing starcraft, well used to. I don’t really have that much time to play as I like anymore but I enjoy watching it online. Also trying to learn how to become a great photogrpaher. Bought a camera recently and started at photography instagram page (christanphan.c follow me).